Welcome to Salus Hearing and Tinnitus Centre

Your Trusted Audiology Clinic in Vaughan

Committed to Your Hearing Health

At Salus Hearing & Tinnitus Centre, our mission is to enhance the quality of your life through personalized, high-quality audiology care. Led by our Doctor of Audiology, Sabrina DeToma, our team brings a wealth of experience and a passion for helping you hear better.

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Professional Care for a Variety of Hearing Issues

Hearing Assessments

Our comprehensive hearing assessments identify your unique needs, helping us tailor a treatment plan that’s right for you. When was the last time you had your hearing tested? Take a moment and try our online hearing screening.

Tinnitus Management

We understand the frustration that comes with tinnitus. Our specialized strategies can help manage its impact on your daily life. Visit our tinnitus page if you’re experiencing a constant ring, hissing, buzzing or other sound in your ears or head.

Hearing Aid Fitting

Our expertise extends to the precise fitting and tuning of hearing aids, promising an improved auditory experience. Click here to learn more about our hearing aid evaluation process.

Audiologist Checking Ear with Otoscope

Our Services

At Salus Hearing and Tinnitus Centre, our mission is to enhance the quality of your life through personalized, high-quality audiology care.

Hearing Services

Diagnostic Hearing Assessment
Hearing Aid Evaluation and Prescription
Onsite repairs and services for Hearing Aids
Hearing Aid and Battery Recycling Program
Information Workshops on Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids
Aural Rehabilitation
Ototoxic Monitoring
Ear Wax and Foreign Object Removal

Specialty Services

Tinnitus Assessment and Treatment
Hyperacusis Assessment and Treatment
Individual Focused Counselling Sessions
Workshop on Tinnitus Generators and Management
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Community Information Seminars


Hearing Aids
Assistive Listening and Alerting Devices
Hearing Aid Batteries
Hearing Aid Accessories
Table Top Sound Generators
Custom Noise and Musician (filtered) Earplugs
Custom Sleep and Swim Earplugs
Custom Molds for iPod and MP3 players

Don’t let your hearing control your life any longer.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey towards relief.

Meet Sabrina deToma, Our Chief Audiologist

Sabrina DeToma

Sabrina DeToma

With over 20 years of experience in the field, Sabrina’s dedication to audiology is unmatched.

Her personal commitment to each patient ensures a level of care and attention to detail that sets Salus Hearing and Tinnitus Centre apart.

Click for more on Sabrina.

Choose Salus Hearing and Tinnitus Centre

for professional, science-backed tinnitus treatment.

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Book Your No-Obligation Tinnitus Assessment Today

Book an in-person tinnitus assessment for a comprehensive evaluation and recommendation for tinnitus treatment.

Please complete the form and click the Submit button.

Adult Man Getting A Hearing Test At Audiology Center. Audiometry,

Sound Advice Book By Sabrina DeToma Doctor of Audiology

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of our book

“Sound Advice”

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Sound Advice

Sound Advice Book By Sabrina DeToma Doctor of Audiology

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