An illustration of many hearing aids and sound related icons

How Long Do Hearing Aids Last?

The Answer Hinges on a Few Variables

A: It depends! Cleaning or replacing parts like tubes and filters keeps your technology in good shape for several years. Same for coming to see us for regular clean and checks.

But that’s not the whole story. Your hearing aids do a lot for you — you might be surprised just how much. And each task needs to meet your unique listening lifestyle.

Directional Microphones

These help you focus on sounds in front of you, so you more easily understand speech in background noise. For example, this feature keeps you focused on Aunt Gretchen’s voice amid the other conversations at the family dinner table.

Noise Reduction

This technology analyzes the sound input and decreases unwanted noise. For example, if you work at a farmer’s market, this feature dampens environmental noises so you can maintain awareness of customers seeking your attention. Some models even have a specialized wind-reduction feature for those who love the outdoors.

Feedback Management

When the microphone and amplifier in your hearing aid are too close, it can result in feedback. Yes, just like the feedback at a rock concert — but right in your ear canal. This feature combats that feedback, so even if it does happen, it’s canceled out before you hear it.

Artificial Intelligence

Many hearing aids can learn your preferences and adjust automatically based on environmental cues. For example, your hearing aid learns about the voices you speak with most often. When you encounter those people, the hearing aid recognizes their voices and adjusts settings accordingly to prioritize them.

Bluetooth Compatibility

Today’s hearing aids can connect wirelessly to your smartphone or any other devices that use Bluetooth. For example, you can listen to the TV at your preferred volume (streamed directly to your hearing aids) while everyone else in the room listens to the TV at a different volume.

Do They Meet Your Needs?

Manufacturers constantly innovate to make these features even better. And they’re always inventing new features to meet demand. A better question would be, “How long will my hearing aids meet my needs?”

It’s a lot like how you might approach your car. If your second child is about to arrive, you probably need to swap your perfectly good sedan for a minivan.

Similarly, with hearing aids, if your quiet office job now requires you to walk the shop floor twice a day, you’ll need better noise reduction. And odds are, if your hearing aids are four years old, the models available right now have far better noise reduction.

That’s why I say, “It depends.” Well-maintained devices last a long time — but as your needs change, the technology you need might change, too.

Has it been a while since your last clean and check? Call now to get one on the books so we can ensure you’re hearing your best!

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