Hearing Aids

An illustration of an ear wearing a hearing aid surrounded by a cloud

6 Reasons to Wear Your Hearing Aids Even More in 2024

Leaning Into Your Devices Helps You Make the Most of the New Year

Maybe you or a loved one bought hearing aids in the last year or so but haven’t worn them as much as planned. If so, you’re not alone. Less than 20% of people who could be helped by hearing aids actually use them, according to public-health professionals. Even among people who have hearing instruments, it’s not uncommon for some of those devices to sit in a drawer unused.

As studies show, the reasons for hearing aid underuse or nonuse can vary. One thing’s for sure: Letting your devices collect dust can mean missing out on a diversity of sounds, conversations, connections, and even physical health benefits. So we’ve put together a list of six reasons to use your hearing aids more than ever before in 2024!


Consistency Supports Success

Many may wear their devices only occasionally, but it’s regular use that wins the day. Hearing loss is often gradual, and so is the better-hearing journey. The brain must relearn to recognize a range of sounds, rebuilding the processing pathways that may have waned. “Wearing a device regularly and often,” according to researchers, “is the only means to ensure the brain has had the ability to adapt to increased auditory stimuli.”


Dementia Risk Might Drop

Speaking of the brain: We’ve often talked about studies showing connections between dementia and hearing loss. Research, including a recent finding that hearing aids together with audiologic counseling may cut dementia risk nearly 50%, reinforces the role of treatment in helping protect cognitive health. The ability to think, remember, make decisions, and so much more depends on cognition, which is reduced with dementia.


Loved Ones Will Thank You

What if you told a friend that one of your new-year goals involved wearing your hearing aids more? You’d probably get a high five! The benefits to those around you involve more than just improved communication. Family members of those using hearing aids report significant improvements in mental health, social engagements, relationships, and overall quality of life, per a survey of older adults.


Better Hearing Cuts Risk of Falls

Mechanisms in the inner ear play a role in your sense of balance. Thus hearing loss could make you unsteady on your feet. Even mild hearing loss can mean a tripled risk of falling, per an investigation. A separate study reviewing data from nearly 115,000 people, however, showed a 13% reduced risk of fall-related injuries in older adults newly diagnosed with hearing problems and treated with hearing aids.


Better Hearing = Better Playing

Name a sport you love, and we’ll tell you how healthy hearing can help. Take golf for instance, where hearing can help you associate key sounds with good club-to-ball contact for strengthening your swing toward a better performance on the greens. And that’s just for starters. No matter the game, clear auditory perception lets you recognize critical cues, react swiftly, communicate effectively, and stay attuned to your environment.


Practice Makes Perfect

Like any sophisticated device, hearing aids take time to master. Many work with apps for more personalized control through your smartphone; allow wireless streaming of TV, calls, and other audio; and might even provide language translation or track your brain and body health. Regular use makes it easier to navigate this powerful technology for a more empowering experience in every communication situation.

We’re here to help you make better hearing part of everyday life. For batteries, cleaning kits, or other accessories to support your hearing aid use, don’t wait. Contact our team today!

An illustration of the letters "DIY" which are made out of random objects

Easy Troubleshooting: 7 Hearing Aid Issues

You Won’t Miss a Beat With These DIY Hints

Like other electronics, hearing aids can have their down moments. Whether the hearing aid batteries seem to drain too quickly, you’re getting unpleasant feedback, or there’s no sound at all, you might run into an issue that needs attention.

The good news? A little DIY troubleshooting can make a big difference in getting your devices back up and running. Identifying the potential problem is over half the battle, and the following simple fixes may be just what the doctor ordered.


Feedback or Whistling

Hearing aids work via three main components: a microphone that detects sound, an amplifier to louden the sound, and a receiver to transmit sounds to your ear canal. The more sophisticated the technology, the more it can be personalized to your specific hearing needs and the more likely it has built-in components to automatically adjust to your listening environment and preselected preferences.

If, however, a bit of the amplified sound boomerangs from the ear canal back to the microphone, you might experience some feedback. The feedback may come across as a squeal, a wind-like noise, a whistling sound, a high-pitched buzz, or similar audio. Thankfully, many of today’s modern devices are already designed to help reduce the issue.

If feedback does occur, however, here are some potential steps:

  • Make sure your device’s earmold or dome is inserted or set appropriately.
  • Check your device’s volume, ensuring it’s not too loud.
  • Change out the wax filter, if applicable.
  • Create some distance between any object in your hand and the hearing aid.
  • Address any excess buildup of cerumen or earwax, whether through professional care or safe DIY methods.


Distorted or Weak Sound

If the sound isn’t coming through as strongly as it should, it could be a few reasons — perhaps more commonly, the hearing aid battery:

  • If the hearing instrument uses disposable batteries, make sure they’re specifically compatible with the device, free from dust and dirt, and replaced if old or potentially not working well.
  • If the device is a rechargeable hearing aid, give it a good charge — first checking your manual for proper procedures — and make sure the charger itself is also fully charged.

The problem could lie with a clogged earmold, which can simply be cleaned. Another source could be moisture in the device, which can be remedied with a hearing aid dryer, a dehumidifier, or a gentle wiping of the hearing aid before letting it fully dry.

Another possibility is a broken receiver wire, depending on the type of hearing aid, which would likely require professional repair.


No Sound at All

If you’re not getting any sound, the solution may be as easy as making sure the device is turned on, the battery’s installed, and the microphone isn’t muted.

Other potential steps:

  • If there’s already a battery installed, try replacing it with a fresh one.
  • For rechargeable devices, ensure both the hearing aid and the charger are fully charged.
  • If the earmold is clogged, gently clean it following directions for your device.

If the hearing aid has a receiver wire that’s been damaged, you’ll likely need to take it in for professional care, during which your device can also get a thorough check.


Fast Battery Drainage

Do your hearing aid batteries seem to run out of juice a little too quickly? This might happen if the hearing technology’s left on for extended periods. Turning hearing aids off when not in use — including properly storing them overnight — can be a big help.

Old batteries can also be the source of the problem:

  • For disposable batteries, check the packaging and keep a record of their estimated expiration date — if listed — as well as the date you inserted them into your device.
  • In the case of rechargeable devices that have been in operation a while — three to four years, for example — consider taking them in for a professional checkup.


Rechargeable Hearing Aids Not Charging

The convenience of rechargeable hearing aids can’t be beat. Just plug in, charge, and go. If something seems to be getting in the way of quick and easy charging, check to make sure that the:

  • Hearing device is set appropriately in the charging cradle or dock.
  • Hearing device charger is fully charged or properly plugged into the power outlet.


Background Noise Too Prominent

Most hearing instruments today are equipped with directional mics and other features to automatically highlight speech and other sounds you want to hear while filtering out the noises you don’t. Plus, our knowledgeable team can work with you to personalize the built-in capabilities for your individual needs.

If you later find that you’re experiencing too much background noise with your hearing devices, try these steps:

  • Lean into your compatible hearing aid app, if available for your device, that may have settings to further minimize unwanted sounds.
  • If pairing with a Bluetooth accessory that requires a companion app, make sure the app and your internet — if required for the app — are working.
  • Use the telecoil or T-coil function on your device, if available, to tap into hearing loops that some theaters, lecture halls, and other public spots have installed for easier listening within their venues.
  • Try to minimize distracting sounds by controlling your environment, including turning other audio sources down or off, closing the door to background noise, or keeping the noise behind you.


Hearing Aids Not Connecting to Bluetooth

Bluetooth connectivity has opened another level of capabilities for modern digital hearing aids. It makes streaming a breeze, with music, phone calls, video conversations, and other audio sent directly from a sound source to your hearing devices.

If you’re having trouble pairing your hearing technology with another Bluetooth-enabled electronic device, these steps might be just the trick:

  • Make sure Bluetooth is activated on both your hearing aid and the other equipment.
  • Confirm the devices aren’t already paired, which may automatically occur at times.
  • Ensure your equipment is within range for the connection to take place.
  • Check that any app or Wi-Fi access needed to work with the other device is on.
  • Unpair other devices that may already be paired with the equipment you’re trying to pair.
  • Consider restarting the pairing process, following the instructions in the hearing aid manual.


When to Seek Professional Hearing Aid Care

Some hearing aid issues are beyond a home remedy. We can help.

Reach out if issues such as these apply:

  • Physical damage, such as a broken casing, cracked tubing, or exposed wires, should be evaluated and repaired by a professional.
  • Continual distortion, feedback, or muffled sound may require professional fine-tuning of the settings or additional troubleshooting.
  • Frequent battery drain, power fluctuations, or failure to power up might reflect an internal problem needing professional assessment and repair.
  • Excess earwax and moisture accumulation inside device can affect performance. Regular DIY cleaning is important, but periodic professional cleaning is also integral for long-term functionality.
  • Persistent discomfort or frequent dislodging of the hearing aid may require professional adjustment to assess the problem and ensure a comfortable, snug fit.
  • Significant changes in hearing could affect how well the device’s settings meet your needs. Our team can assess the changes and potentially adjust the hearing aid settings accordingly.
  • Device is due for professional clean and check, which should be scheduled about every six months to help your hearing aids stay in top shape.

Have questions about your hearing aids? Got an issue that might go beyond a DIY fix? Has it been a while since your device’s last professional clean and check? You don’t have to spend time searching online for “hearing aid repairs near me.” We’re local, knowledgeable, and right here at your service. So don’t wait. Contact our caring team to get your questions answered or to book a visit today!

An illustration of two signs pointing different directions saying myth and fact

10 Hearing Aid Myths We’re Busting

10 Hearing Aid Myths We’re Busting

Are These Misconceptions Standing Between You & Needed Care?

Most hearing loss can be effectively managed with appropriately fit hearing technology. Yet more than 80% of children and adults worldwide who could benefit from hearing aids don’t use them. That’s at least 1 in 5 people missing out on potentially needed help. Lack of access can play a part, but myths and misconceptions might also get in the way.

We’re breaking down 10 hearing aid myths that can be a barrier to better hearing health. Some of them may sound familiar or even remind you of perceptions that gave you pause about hearing technology. Read on for the facts and a fresh perspective on today’s innovative hearing solutions. They might be just the nudge you or a loved one needs to reclaim the sounds you’re missing.


  1. Myth: Hearing aids cost too much to be affordable

Fact: Today’s hearing technology comes in a range of budget-friendly technology levels. Plus, financing programs, potential insurance coverage, and even possible leasing opportunities can go a long way. With research linking hearing loss to other conditions such as cognitive decline and increased risk of falling, the consequences of inaction could prove an even bigger cost.


  1. Myth: Hearing aids don’t actually help.

Fact: Millions of hearing aid users — and science — would disagree. We see firsthand the positive effect improved hearing has on our patients and their families, helping people reconnect with the relationships and activities that matter most. Quality hearing aids make it easier to understand speech and other sounds, and research ties hearing aids to better physical, social, mental, and financial health.


  1. Myth: Hearing aids are ugly and bulky.

Fact: Ugly? Not 21st century hearing aids, which are sleek, small, and — in many cases — virtually invisible. With some 10–11% of people worldwide with what researchers consider “disabling hearing loss” wearing hearing aids, you’ve probably encountered folks wearing them and didn’t even notice. Devices include various styles and colors, and some sit deep in the ear canal or behind the ear, largely out of sight.


  1. Myth: Hearing aids are a pain to maintain.

Fact: With a little TLC and periodic professional checkups, hearing aid care is easier than you may think. The devices might require some basics — cleaning, changing wax guards, removing moisture or earwax buildup — but cleaning kits, hearing aid dryers, and other accessories help make it a cinch. Plus, rechargeable options eliminate the inconvenience of replacing disposable hearing aid batteries.


  1. Myth: Hearing aids are for older adults with hearing loss — not for me.

Fact: Even babies, some of whom have had permanent hearing loss from birth, wear hearing aids. As a critical public health issue, hearing loss doesn’t discriminate, making it important to have the best hearing aids at any age. If you have signs or symptoms of hearing loss, today’s innovative devices — tailored to your needs by a trained, licensed professional — may be just the solution for you.


  1. Myth: Hearing aids don’t last.

Fact: Quality hearing technology that’s well-maintained can last quite a while — on average about three to seven years. Plus, we’re here to help you get the most from your devices for as long as possible through support such as periodic clean-and-checks, repair services, and guidance on easy, home-based DIY care. We also offer extended warranty packages for further peace of mind.


  1. Myth: Buying hearing aids online, by mail, at a big-box retailer, or drugstore saves time, money, and offers the same results as devices fit by a licensed hearing care professional.

Fact: Nothing takes the place of a proper diagnostic hearing evaluation and professional selection of hearing technology tailored to your hearing level, lifestyle, and key listening situations. Rather than focus on a widget, we’re dedicated to building trust, providing long-term value, and delivering solutions backed by our knowledge, experience, and commitment to your optimal hearing health.


  1. Myth: Hearing aids just make a sound louder — nothing special.

Fact: Hearing aids do amplify sound, which is important, but they also accomplish so much more for your hearing health. They filter out background noise; often have directional microphones that can help you further focus on the sounds that matter; and can connect with wireless mics, hearing loop systems, smartphones, laptops, TVs, and other resources that help you work or play on your terms.


  1. Myth: One hearing aid is good enough — I don’t need two for my hearing loss.

Fact: Binaural hearing, or the ability to perceive sound through both ears rather than just one, plays a critical role in working with the brain to distinguish the source and direction of sounds — commonly known as “localization.” Using two hearing aids not only assists that function but curbs the need for choosing higher volumes on your devices. That’s because lower tones seem louder when the brain has the benefit of both ears.


  1. Myth: A personal sound amplification product, or PSAP, is sufficient for my hearing loss.

Fact: Wearable electronic amplifiers, designed to hear environmental sounds for those who don’t have hearing loss, only make a sound louder and are neither regulated nor recommended to treat actual hearing loss. Inappropriate use of PSAPs could even cause or aggravate hearing damage, so it’s best to let your licensed hearing care professional evaluate your hearing and work with you on the best solution for your individual communication needs.

With some 10–11% of people worldwide with what researchers consider “disabling hearing loss” wearing hearing aids, you’ve probably encountered folks wearing them and didn’t even notice.


What Do Hearing-Aid Wearers Say?

Hearing aids can feel like an overwhelming step — especially if misconceptions have given you or the people in your life a bit of pause. On average, people who suspect a hearing loss typically wait an estimated seven or more years before pursuing help and might delay getting professionally fitted with hearing aids for over a decade after a hearing-loss diagnosis.

Hearing-aid use, however, has changed countless lives, from babies hearing their parents’ voices for the first time to teens, young adults, and the young at heart reconnecting with the sounds that matter most — whether at home, work, or play. But don’t just take it from us; hear what users have to say through some interesting studies demonstrating the power of hearing aids!

An analysis of the Hearing Industry Association’s MarkeTrak 2022 online survey, for example, found that 64% of hearing aid owners who had gotten their devices in the prior five years reported quality-of-life benefits. The number marked a jump of 9 percentage points from the 2019 version of the survey and a 16-point rise from the 2015 research.

A Eurotrak UK 2022 study by the British and Irish Hearing Instrument Manufacturers also reportedly found a high percentage of responding device users — 95% — associating their hearing aids with an improved quality of life, including social engagement, relationships, and more. Two-thirds of respondents even wished they had gotten their hearing technology sooner.

Similarly, older adults who use hearing aids are more likely to report significant improvement in their physical and mental health, sense of independence, sex life, ability to play sports, and other important areas of life, per a 1999/2000-released study by the National Council on Aging. Notably, family members of loved ones who used hearing aids also reported significant improvements in quality of life.

Knowledge is power, so don’t let myths and misconceptions stop you or a loved one from moving forward on the path to optimal health. Contact our caring team for comprehensive support on your better-hearing journey!

An illustration of sound waves entering a human ear

These Aren’t Your Grandfather’s Hearing Aids

6 Exciting Innovations in Today’s Hearing Aids

Get Ready for the Future of Hearing

According to the CDC, in the United States alone, 7.1% of the population aged 45 and over use hearing aids. That’s almost 24 million people on the receiving end of some seriously futuristic options to help tackle their hearing loss. It’s mind-blowing to see the latest strides hearing aid technology has taken. People will be experiencing sound like never before, so don’t miss out!


Don’t Miss a Moment of Better Hearing

Typically, folks wait as long as possible before getting a new hearing aid. The old one stops functioning properly before they even make an appointment to upgrade! This time around, you may not want to wait — these tantalizing innovations may tempt you into an early upgrade.

Hearing aid technology runs the gamut from basic to advanced, but even basic technology models are rapidly improving and providing even more new benefits to wearers than ever before. Here is a list of just some of the sparkling new hearing aid options.


Hearing Aids With Bluetooth Technology

Look around you. Chances are if there’s an electronic device at hand, it uses Bluetooth technology. Bluetooth can be found in our phones, cars, portable speakers, computers, and even in our refrigerators — why not in our hearing aids?

Today’s Bluetooth hearing aids can connect to devices like smartphones, laptops, televisions, and more. You can play audio directly from your devices — such as a workout playlist, your favorite movie or TV show, or a simple phone call — directly through your hearing aid’s speakers.

The use of hearing aids is more prevalent in adults over the age of 45, and that can go hand in hand with loss of dexterity as we age. The tiny buttons on hearing aids and remote-control accessories are just not ideal for many hearing aid wearers. With Bluetooth, you can control them with an app from whichever personal device you choose — perhaps one that’s already practically attached to your hand (cell phone, anyone?).

These are some of the most helpful benefits to using hearing aids with Bluetooth technology:


Advanced Sound Quality

If a high-quality hearing experience is what you’re after, Bluetooth technology is the way to go. With Bluetooth, sound is sent consistently and steadily, directly to the ears. Unwanted noise and sounds are diminished, and feedback is minimized.


Hearing More Clearly

More communication is always better — what if your two hearing aids could talk to each other? Bluetooth technology is a huge win for people who wear hearing aids in both ears. Hearing aids that communicate with each other (via Bluetooth) can more properly balance and control sound. The result? More clarity of sound.


Simpler Customization

Your hearing needs are as unique as you are. A variety of customizable options are featured and available in most Bluetooth hearing aids for maximum personalization. These are options that the user can control without having to visit their audiologist. Adjustments to volume or sound frequency can be made to these hearing aids remotely.


Remote Control

Hearing aids that are Bluetooth compatible can be accessed from a phone, a tablet, or any other connected devices. The apps accompanying your connected device can be used to very simply change programs or adjust settings, rendering those tiny buttons you remember on your hearing aids obsolete. No more fiddling with your hearing aid buttons in the dark — just light up your phone and head straight to the app!

From language translation to reduced background noise, Bluetooth hearing aids have too many benefits to count.


Hearing Aids With Rechargeable Batteries

No battery? No problem! Say goodbye to the days of your hearing aid’s batteries running out of power at the most inconvenient times. Lithium-ion technology has changed all that.

When you go to sleep at night, you probably have a cord waiting by the bed to charge your phone overnight. Now you can put your hearing aid’s charging cord right next to your phone’s and sleep soundly, knowing you’ll wake up to fully recharged hearing aids ready to face the day with you.

If you establish a charging routine with your rechargeable hearing aids, you put yourself on the path to having the most carefree hearing-improvement experience possible.

Some exciting benefits to rechargeable hearing aids:

  • Simplify: If you have vision difficulties, you’ll find plugging your hearing aids in to charge to be a much simpler action than fiddling with tiny batteries.
  • Save: There’s no need to constantly buy batteries. The electricity pulled by a tiny hearing aid adds much less to your electrical bill than the cost of batteries.
  • Endure: There is no tiny battery door and no need to open the device. This makes for a much smaller chance of damage to the device or the battery.
  • Outlast: Longer battery life is yours. Your hearing aid will likely use lithium-ion batteries, which last for years before replacement is necessary.
  • Preserve: Rechargeable hearing aids are an eco-friendly choice. With no need to dispose of batteries regularly, rechargeable hearing aids may have a smaller footprint on the environment.
  • Protect: Kids and pets have us living in a world full of choking and insertion hazards.  Not having loose, tiny batteries laying around diminishes the chance that a child or animal will swallow one or try to put them in their nose or ears.

Emergency Alert Feature

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

New hearing aids are saving lives, and not just through improving hearing, which can be lifesaving in many other ways.

The CDC states that, “Each year, millions of older people — those 65 and older — fall. In fact, more than one out of four older people falls each year.”

Some hearing aids can now detect when you fall and will automatically generate and send a message to your emergency contact. It will alert your loved one that you might have taken a spill and should be checked on immediately.


AI & Hearing Aids

Imagine: Hearing aids that learn from your actions and make adjustments like a person would — artificial intelligence (AI) is astounding. AI is the power of machines to simulate the intelligence of a real-life person.

What do AI-powered electronics do best? They learn. It’s almost unsettling the way they can learn everything about you and anticipate your wants, your needs, and your likes and dislikes.

How does this apply to your hearing loss treatment? It is now possible for hearing aids to adapt precisely to your needs. AI applied to your hearing aids isn’t unsettling, though, as you’ll discover once your hearing aids are experiencing constant, automatic, personalized adjustments that get better and better.

Regarding the new AI-powered hearing aids, WINK News, out of Fort Myers, Texas, explained, “Every setting has different sound dynamics. Whether you’re in a workspace, a car, or outdoors, there are noises you want to tune out in order to hear better. AI devices are smart enough to cut through the clutter.”


Built-In Tinnitus Care

Certain innovations have been around for a while, and are well-known by professionals, but patients may have not known about them — for instance, tinnitus care via a hearing aid.

Looking for relief from the noise(s) in your ears or head? Some new hearing aids are equipped with tinnitus features. The American Tinnitus Association documented that, “Hearing aids can augment the volume of external noise to the point that it covers (masks) the sound of tinnitus. This makes it more difficult to consciously perceive tinnitus and helps the brain focus on outside, ambient noises. The masking impact of hearing aids is particularly strong for patients who have hearing loss in the same frequency range as their tinnitus.”

Treat your tinnitus at the source; hearing aids with tinnitus functions can handle it.  Through the amplification of background sounds, tinnitus symptoms can be managed, and you can go back to focusing on what’s important.



Another awesome piece of tech that audiologists know backwards and forwards, but patients may not know about, is telecoil technology. Also called a “T-coil” or “T-switch,” this feature will have you touching your hearing aid and saying, “Beam me up!”

The telecoil is a small induction pick-up coil that can be placed inside of a hearing aid. When you choose to use this option, the telecoil allows your hearing aid to pick up the signal from your phone or any public venue fitted with an assistive listening system called a hearing loop.

According to Let’s Loop Seattle, a public education and access advocacy campaign launched by the Hearing Loss Association of Washington, “The telecoil can connect you to assistive listening systems in theatres, airports, houses of worship, and thousands of other public spaces. Better still, a telecoil connects you to a hearing loop without the need for additional Assistive Listening Device (ALD) equipment — you simply switch your aid or CI to telecoil mode (or T mode). Telecoils can also connect you to your home loop or TV loop.”

The future is now, folks, and your hearing loss care will be all the better for it. Contact us today to schedule a hearing consultation and tech demo!

an illustration of a person standing atop a ladder with a telescope in the clouds

6 Hearing Trends for 2023

Keep Your Eye on These in the New Year

As an exciting new year nears, what can you expect in the world of hearing wellness? We’re taking a look at six trends to keep your eye on for 2023 and beyond.

1. Rechargeables

Aah, the convenience of rechargeability:

  • Less waste
  • Easy charge-and-go convenience
  • No fussing with spent disposable batteries that require removal and replacement

With an increasing number of hearing aid manufacturers offering rechargeable options for devices, it’s just a matter of time before they become the default. True, the smallest hearing aids that fit completely in the ear may not yet be widely available in rechargeable styles, but stay tuned. A breakthrough could be just around the corner!

2. Telehealth

The unprecedented global public-health challenges over the last couple years have called for adaption and innovation. An example: The rise of telehealth or video-based patient-provider appointments. Though not unheard of before the pandemic, telehealth rose in prominence as digital companies and others stepped up with apps and improved platforms to help keep health care accessible amid lockdowns, quarantines, and distancing.

One federal study of Medicare health care access showed a significant increase in patient telehealth participation during the pandemic — from an estimated 840,000 in 2019 to over 52 million in 2020. Overall, telehealth use has jumped 38-fold from pre-COVID rates. And with consumers and the industry embracing it even more as an additional option for effective patient-provider engagement, it’s here to stay.

3. OTCs

You may have heard about over-the-counter (OTC) hearing technology, a new class of devices in the U.S. regulated by the Federal Drug Administration and approved for those 18 and older with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss. OTCs are expected to soon join the market, representing a new option for some consumers exploring their hearing-health needs.

The good news? OTCs could spur more people to consider seeking help for hearing loss — a growing global problem expected to impact some 700 million children and adults by 2050. However, self-treating for hearing issues rather than seeking help from licensed hearing care professionals can lead to under- or overtreatment, making it important to get a comprehensive evaluation before deciding on solutions.

4. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Speaking of a growing global problem: Excess noise is one of the culprits behind an increasing risk of hearing loss among people ranging from preteens to mid-30s. Why? Popular activities such as using personal media players, hitting the club, enjoying a game at the sports arena, and rocking out at concerts can be lots of fun while also being hard on the ears — especially at noise levels beyond the danger threshold of 85 decibels.

Noise exposure is one of the most preventable causes of hearing loss. A few simple steps can help keep this harmful trend from gaining any more stream:

  • Limiting the amount of time exposed to loud sounds
  • Wearing quality hearing protection customized to your ears
  • Turning the volume down on personal audio devices
  • Staying atop your hearing health with annual evaluations

5. Connectivity

Whether streaming TV audio, jazz tunes, telephone calls, or your favorite morning-show radio duo, being able to channel sounds right to your hearing aids is pretty terrific. Essentially acting as headphones, the hearing devices make it easy to lean into the sounds you love — wirelessly. Plus, compatible apps make it a cinch to control your hearing technology right from your smartphone.

But let’s talk about the next level of connectivity. Imagine, for example, being able to directly surf the web, control access to your home, get instant ambient-temperature information, or turn off an appliance with your hearing device. Though these possibilities may not happen in the immediate future, the world of hearing-technology connectivity is always expanding to exciting new heights.

6. Artificial Intelligence

Netflix suggests movies you might love. Your household thermostat chooses a comfy temperature, without even needing to be programmed. Your smartphone accurately finishes your sentences before you’ve typed the words. Machine learning, a category of artificial intelligence (AI), is becoming the norm of everyday life, and we’re here for the ways it can support your health.

AI will increasingly play a role in hearing aid functionality, contributing to greater convenience and empowerment for users. One line of hearing aids already can track brain and body health, detect falls, and translate other languages in real time to help bust communication barriers. Look for even more AI capabilities as technology continues to evolve.

Hearing technology is always progressing to help you stay healthy, engaged, and connected with the people and activities that matter in your life. We’d love to show you the latest innovations, so don’t wait. Contact our caring team to schedule a test-drive today.

An illustration of many hearing aids and sound related icons

How Long Do Hearing Aids Last?

The Answer Hinges on a Few Variables

A: It depends! Cleaning or replacing parts like tubes and filters keeps your technology in good shape for several years. Same for coming to see us for regular clean and checks.

But that’s not the whole story. Your hearing aids do a lot for you — you might be surprised just how much. And each task needs to meet your unique listening lifestyle.

Directional Microphones

These help you focus on sounds in front of you, so you more easily understand speech in background noise. For example, this feature keeps you focused on Aunt Gretchen’s voice amid the other conversations at the family dinner table.

Noise Reduction

This technology analyzes the sound input and decreases unwanted noise. For example, if you work at a farmer’s market, this feature dampens environmental noises so you can maintain awareness of customers seeking your attention. Some models even have a specialized wind-reduction feature for those who love the outdoors.

Feedback Management

When the microphone and amplifier in your hearing aid are too close, it can result in feedback. Yes, just like the feedback at a rock concert — but right in your ear canal. This feature combats that feedback, so even if it does happen, it’s canceled out before you hear it.

Artificial Intelligence

Many hearing aids can learn your preferences and adjust automatically based on environmental cues. For example, your hearing aid learns about the voices you speak with most often. When you encounter those people, the hearing aid recognizes their voices and adjusts settings accordingly to prioritize them.

Bluetooth Compatibility

Today’s hearing aids can connect wirelessly to your smartphone or any other devices that use Bluetooth. For example, you can listen to the TV at your preferred volume (streamed directly to your hearing aids) while everyone else in the room listens to the TV at a different volume.

Do They Meet Your Needs?

Manufacturers constantly innovate to make these features even better. And they’re always inventing new features to meet demand. A better question would be, “How long will my hearing aids meet my needs?”

It’s a lot like how you might approach your car. If your second child is about to arrive, you probably need to swap your perfectly good sedan for a minivan.

Similarly, with hearing aids, if your quiet office job now requires you to walk the shop floor twice a day, you’ll need better noise reduction. And odds are, if your hearing aids are four years old, the models available right now have far better noise reduction.

That’s why I say, “It depends.” Well-maintained devices last a long time — but as your needs change, the technology you need might change, too.

Has it been a while since your last clean and check? Call now to get one on the books so we can ensure you’re hearing your best!

An illustration of an envelope overflowing with a variety of flowers

Last-Minute Mother’s Day Shopping? ‘Hear, Hear’ for These Picks!

7 Gift Ideas Celebrating Mom’s Wonderful World of Sound

Uh-oh! Did your plans to find Mom the perfect gift get a little derailed? Not to worry. Last-minute finds can turn out to be the best of all. So check out these seven sound-savvy ideas to bring a smile to her face this Mother’s Day and beyond.

1. Concert Tickets

Superstars from Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Shania Twain, Beck, and Paramore to Billy Idol, Lizzo, the Zac Brown Band, Destroyer, and Big Thief are touring this year. Scoring tickets to your mom’s favorite band — or even a local showcase featuring talented community members — might be just the answer. Find out who’s performing with resources such as Entertainment Weekly’s concert and festival guide.

2. National Parks Pass

How does access to an estimated 2,000 U.S. federal recreation sites or over 80 Canadian national park sites sound? With an annual pass, a whole world of adventure awaits — including breathtaking canyons, fascinating wildlife, beautiful flora, historic waterways, timeless architecture, hiking, camping, and more. It’s a great way to create memories that last a lifetime.

3. Personalized Celeb Video

Can you imagine your mom’s delight receiving a personalized video message from her celebrity fave? The online platform Cameo boasts a robust roster of actors, athletes, comedians, and other entertainers who can provide a message tailored just for her. With the easy-search database, we even found Eric Braeden, famously known as “Victor” on the long-running daytime show The Young and the Restless!

4. Bluetooth Speaker

There’s nothing like enjoying the sounds you want to hear with the help of a portable speaker. Whether gardening, camping, crafting a new wood table in the garage, or hosting a backyard barbecue, streaming audio through a quality Bluetooth speaker puts wireless convenience — and joyful sound — right at your mom’s fingertips. To help you decide, CNN breaks down its top Bluetooth speaker picks for 2023.

5. Audiobook Subscription

If your mom savors a good mystery novel or other reads, how about letting her hear them? That’s right, let’s talk audiobooks. They can open a whole new world of content and be a feast for the ears, between radio shows, TV programs, and digital audiobooks. Platforms such as Audible and AudiobooksNow offer various subscriptions or membership tiers.

6. Better-Hearing Gift Certificate

What’s better than life-changing hearing technology? Life-changing hearing technology with all the wonderful accessories that can enhance it. Remote microphones, hearing aid dryers or dehumidifiers, TV clips, and cleaning kits are just some of the accoutrements that can help support your mom’s better-hearing journey. Our gift certificates make it a cinch for her to choose what she needs.

7. Hearing Aid Fashion

Hearing technology and fashion go well together, and talented artists are taking note with imaginative creations that inspire, empower, and wow. Award-winning company DeafMetal USA not only makes hearing aid and cochlear implant jewelry but also skins and stickers that let the wearer show off their personality. With a gift card that lets Mom pick out her favorite pieces, she’ll be good to go.

Want more gift ideas to celebrate Mom’s connection to a world of sound? Don’t wait. Contact our caring team today!

An illustration of various items that represent men and dads

Best Safe Hearing Gifts for Dad

Dad’s Ears Will Thank You

This Father’s Day, give dad the gift that truly keeps on giving — recreation that’s easy on his ears! These gift ideas are sure to make him, and his ears, happy.


Dads love their earbuds, whether listening to music, streaming the game on a smartphone, or enjoying an audiobook. But headphones are better for his hearing health.

Earbuds allow sound to sneak in around the edges. The natural reaction is to turn up the volume to beat back the extra sounds. That can be a recipe for hearing damage. Plus, earbuds send audio directly down the ear canal — any fluctuation in volume is delivered right to your eardrum!

Headphones, however, create a seal around your ears. This lets far less environmental sound in to compete with what you’re trying to listen to. And sound coming from headphones must travel a short distance just to reach your ear canal, so the force of the sound has a chance to dissipate a little.

Specialty Earplugs

These earplugs are more robust and specialized for certain kinds of activities. You can get good, dependable, inexpensive versions or go all out and spend hundreds of dollars, depending on Dad’s needs.

Shooting (or hunters’) earplugs protect you against the sudden, dangerous impulse noise of gunfire but allow you to hear the movements and voices of anyone nearby. And high-fidelity earplugs let you hear the tonal nuances of music while dampening the high volume — ideal for musicians and avid concertgoers.

Sound Hole Cover for Acoustic Guitar

Even if he’s great at guitar, that doesn’t mean you want to hear Dad’s acoustic arrangement of the metal hit “Crazy Train” yet again coming up the basement steps.

Sound hole cover to the rescue! This is a disc that nestles easily into the sound hole of most models of acoustic guitar to dampen the sound. There are price ranges for every need — and it shouldn’t cost more than three to five dollars to keep Dad quietly shredding while saving his hearing.

Drum Practice Pad

Maybe Dad went the even noisier route of taking up the drums. But don’t worry — your days of hearing him loudly practice the opening staccato raps of Paul Simon’s “Obvious Child” are numbered!

Enter the humble drum practice pad. Though not as inexpensive as an acoustic sound hole cover, it still won’t break the bank. When played, it simulates the same feeling of give as a real snare drum, but it’s much, much quieter. He’ll know it feels and sounds right, but his hearing won’t pay the price.

A Book

What could be better for his ears than a physical copy of a book? If he’s an avid reader, you can’t go wrong, whether he’s eagerly awaiting the next Patterson thriller or has once again spilled coffee all over his copy of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass.

Contact us to learn more if you’re interested in hearing-protection options for Dad this year!

retro illustration of an island beach at sunset

Enjoying the Sand and Waves? Protect Your Hearing Aids!: 8 Simple Do’s & Don’ts

A Little TLC for Your Devices Helps You Seize the Season

Want to help your hearing aids stay in top shape throughout the season? Whether your summer includes playing Marco Polo, setting sail, or just catching some sun on the sand, dive into these quick maintenance tips to keep the fun at hand.


consider using a hearing aid dryer or dehumidifier, which not only dries and sanitizes your devices as you sleep but can also double as their regular storage container. Convenient and easy!


swim wearing hearing aids or allow water and sand on them. Along with using a dehumidifier, wipe your devices daily with a dry cloth to help clear moisture and debris and reduce the risk of damage.


keep your hearing aids away from the summer heat, which can do a number on them. Pick a cool, dry area for storage, and avoid leaving the devices in a sunny spot or hot car.


forget your hearing-aid covers (for behind-the-ear devices), which can help protect against excess moisture when summer heat and activities lead to sweating. The covers help keep out dust and dirt, too.


give your hearing aid batteries a break. Remember at night to remove them from your devices and leave the battery door open, helping reduce moisture and maximize battery life.


prematurely pull the stay-fresh tab that helps keep new hearing aid batteries from discharging early. Once the batteries activate, they can’t be deactivated, so first be sure you’re ready to use them.


regularly change the wax guard, helping protect your devices from damaging buildup of wax, skin particles, and other debris. Putting this task on at least a monthly schedule — or when needed — makes for a timely reminder.


fit the wrong wax guard to your device. Wax guards come in diverse sizes and types, but not every version is right for your hearing aids. We can provide or help you choose a compatible product.

Summer fun is for everyone, so maximize each day by getting the most from your hearing aids. Think of them as you would your smartphone, keeping them safe from harm’s way, and enjoy your best season yet. For more tips, contact us today!

an illustration of a woman receiving a prescription bottle from a pharmacy technician

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids, PSAPS & More. What’s the Difference?

Together, Let’s Cut Through the Confusion

Q: It sounds like over-the-counter hearing instruments are going to be available soon, but aren’t they already here? I’ve seen various devices advertised, so I’m confused. Help!

A: From over-the-counter hearing aids and personal sound amplification products to self-fitting and direct-to-consumer devices, the growing categories of hearing technology can feel overwhelming. Let’s explore the differences to help you sort fact from fiction and secure the best care for your hearing health.

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids

These devices, often simply called “OTCs,” are specific to the United States. They’re an upcoming new class of hearing instruments to be approved and regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and are aimed to potentially help adults with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss.

The regulations are still being finalized but are expected in the not-too-distant future. Though their availability may spur more people to get needed hearing help, OTCs have some potential downsides beyond being limited only to adults with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss:

  • OTCs may not always yield a successful fit — more of a trial-and-error process.
  • They might not align with one’s actual degree of hearing loss, which could be greater than perceived.
  • The self-treating aspect potentially omits a professional diagnostic evaluation that can pinpoint the problem and yield a critical solution.

Personal Sound Amplification Products

Also known as “PSAPs,” personal sound amplification products are wearable electronic devices used only to make a sound louder. Unlike traditional hearing aids or even OTCs, they’re not considered actual medical devices.

Though potentially helpful in normal hearing to amplify sounds in situations such as watching TV, listening for animals during outdoor recreation, or hearing a presenter who’s speaking some distance away, PSAPs can’t take the place of properly fit hearing aids.

In fact, PSAPS:

  • Aren’t recommended to treat actual hearing loss
  • Could cause hearing damage or aggravate existing damage with misuse or overuse
  • Can amplify sounds but typically can’t adjust to the user’s specific hearing loss
  • Bypass the crucial steps of professional testing, programming, fitting, and follow-up

Self-Fitting Hearing Aids

Industry definitions may vary, but self-fitting hearing aids (SFHAs) are essentially sound-amplifying devices designed to let the user measure their own hearing loss, install the devices in their ears, and program them without the prescription or assistance of an audiologist, medical doctor, or other specially trained professional.

As a relatively newer product category without a lot of market presence, self-fitting hearing aids have a ways to go in matching the effectiveness and satisfaction of clinician-fitted hearing devices. One study comparing user-driven and provider-driven fittings of a single self-fitting product found no significant hearing-aid-performance differences between the two groups but saw that cognition plays a big role.

In the study, those “with poorer cognitive function consistently exhibited more difficulty in handling the” self-fitting devices. SFHAs require access to, familiarity with, and the ability to understand how to operate and adjust the devices, which could prove challenging for some users struggling with manual dexterity, visual acuity, cognitive issues, or inability to navigate or access computers or apps.

Seeking professional assistance could make all the difference in user satisfaction with SFHAs.

Direct-to-Consumer Devices

Direct-to-consumer instruments or DTCs are largely synonymous with the impending category of over-the-counter hearing aids FDA-approved in the U.S. and are considered medical devices to help address mild to moderate hearing loss among adults.

Sometimes, however, DTCs may simply refer to sound amplifiers available for purchase without a hearing care professional’s prescription. They’re more like PSAPs and aren’t considered medical devices. Clarifying with the source who’s using the term can shed light on the intended definition.


This loose category of products also defies a single definition but may best be described as representing wireless in-ear microcomputers. Some hearables are as simple as earbuds that enhance your music-listening experience. Others are hearing aids that double as sophisticated wellness trackers.

Some features you’ll commonly find in different hearables.

  • Connectivity — sync to a smartphone, tablet, or smart-home device.
  • Biometric tracking — track your steps, your heart rate, or even your running pace with sensors embedded in the device.
  • Improved sound quality — benefit from some of the technology driving today’s sophisticated hearing aids, including noise-canceling capabilities.
  • Translation — have another language translated to your own language in real time.

With so many potential self-serve options, you might wonder, “Why choose professional hearing care?” One big reason is the importance of identifying and addressing hearing problems in a way that ensures an appropriate targeted solution for your specific needs.

Self-treating for hearing problems could result in missing key steps, such as a physical exam of your ears. Hearing difficulties can stem from severe earwax buildup, medication, a tumor, or other causes that a professional examination might uncover. Though it may seem convenient, simply buying an OTC might not solve the problem that spurred your search for hearing help.

Are hearing difficulties getting in the way of what matters in your life? Do you need support navigating the plethora of better-hearing options? We’re here to help, so don’t wait.  Contact our highly trained team to schedule an appointment day!