an illustration of a person inserting a q-tip into their ear

How to Deal with Earwax

When it comes to ear cleaning, be gentle and consider leaving it to the professionals.

The general consensus that we shouldn’t insert objects like cotton swabs into the ear canal is good advice, but many people disregard it because they feel they have to clean their ears somehow. So how should you do it? Read on to find out.

Earwax: what it does and where it comes from

The human ear is divided into three sections: the outer, middle, and inner ear.  The main parts of the outer ear are the pinna and canal. Within the canal is the tympanic membrane, also known as the eardrum. Beyond the eardrum is the middle ear, a small area containing the ossicles that transmit sound vibrations to the inner ear, and the inner ear is home to the snail-shaped organ (cochlea) that sends sound information to the brain.

Earwax is excreted by special glands on the outer part of the ear canal. Its job is to trap debris and microbes before they can travel deeper into the ear. It keeps the skin hydrated and healthy, prevents itching, and repels water. Anyone who has ever had swimmer’s ear can appreciate the protective effects of earwax!

Should you clean your ears?

Because earwax is produced in the outer part of the ear, there is no need to deep clean your ear canals at all. When a blockage does occur and puts pressure on the eardrum, it’s usually because a cotton swab or other object has forced it in deeper than it should be. Earwax naturally travels outward due to the motion of the jaw when talking and eating. It can then be easily washed off with a warm cloth in the shower. As tempting as it may be to dig out the wax before this happens, resist the temptation to swab. You’ll be glad you did.

Some unlucky people do experience an overproduction of earwax and can feel plugged up or experience partial hearing loss due to buildup. In that case, there are a few different solutions.

Place a few drops of a body-safe oil in the ear canal to soften the wax and make it easier to remove. Suitable oils are:

  • Baby
  • Mineral
  • Almond
  • Olive
  • Coconut
  • Jojoba

Disinfectants such as rubbing alcohol and hydrogen/carbamide peroxide can also help remove wax, but be very careful with these because they can have harsh side effects. Alcohol dries out the skin and exacerbates itching, while peroxide can leave the ears wet, which encourages bacterial growth. If any of these substances cause pain, make an appointment with your doctor right away, as this may indicate a perforated eardrum or other injury.

Over-the-counter earwax removal drops are another option, but be advised that many of these are simply repackaged oils or peroxide solutions. It is often cheaper and more practical to make your own.

When is it time to consult a professional?

Anytime you suspect an injury or health condition involving the ears you should make an appointment with an audiologist or ENT. Hearing loss, tinnitus, pain, and fullness in the ears all warrant an investigation. Doctors use a special instrument called a curette to gently remove earwax (also known as cerumen). This may be necessary if the buildup is due to a physical condition such as a narrow ear canal. It’s important that a professional do this for you. Don’t be tempted by digital otoscopes, irrigation kits, or ear candles. They are easy to misuse and can lead to injury.

Earwax is one of the body’s most underappreciated defense mechanisms. Take care of your hearing by being gentle with your ears and letting earwax do its job. If you’re experiencing symptoms of buildup, call now to schedule a consultation and cleaning. We’re here to help!


Should I Clean My Ears at Home?

By now, many of you have probably seen or heard of videos in which various people demonstrate how to use OTC digital otoscopes and ear irrigation kits to clean your ears at home. While this can be a tempting foray into self-care, we want to remind you that ear cleaning should be done by a professional! Here’s why:

Ears are generally self-cleaning. Unless you’re accumulating serious buildup, there won’t be an excess of wax to begin with. Movement of the jaw during talking and chewing helps move earwax to the outer ear, where it can be easily washed away during a shower. You won’t even notice this is happening. The recent trend of ear cleaning is just that — a trend. For most of us, it’s unnecessary.

In individuals who do experience buildup, audiologists use a special instrument called a curette to gently remove it. It is important that a professional do this for you. You’ve undoubtedly already heard that inserting objects, such as cotton swabs, into the ear canal can risk eardrum perforation, but digital otoscopes and irrigation kits should be avoided as well. They are easy to misuse and can exacerbate the problem — particularly if it’s due to a physical cause, such as a narrow ear canal or underlying medical condition.

Digital otoscopes are especially risky, as they require very precise control of the instrument and an understanding of how your movements correspond to the image on the screen. They may also provide a misleading impression of how much buildup is actually in your ear. Wax traps debris and microbes and keeps your ears healthy. Too little can lead to itchiness and infections, and too much can lead to blockages and discomfort.

The bottom line: If you’re curious or concerned about the amount of wax in your ears, don’t take matters into your own hands, and instead make an appointment with an audiologist or ENT!

For general ear cleaning at home, here are some do’s and don’ts:

  • DO use a warm, soft cloth — after washing or showering — to remove normal amounts of earwax in the outer ear.
  • DO gently soften the earwax with drops of warmed olive oil, almond oil, water, or a commercial solution to remove larger amounts of earwax or an earwax plug.
  • DON’T use ear candles, which may cause serious injury and have not been proven effective in clinical trials.
  • DON’T stick cotton swabs or other objects in the ear; they can cause injury and push wax farther into the ear canal.

By following these simple rules, you can ensure your ears remain clear and healthy.

Feeling a little plugged up? Call us today to schedule a consultation and ear cleaning.

Illustration of an ear with graphics representing noise surrounding it

5 Reasons to Love Earwax | Three Cheers for Earwax!

Let’s talk earwax. From its texture to its appearance, it gets a bad name. We suspect the yellow-brown goo might be down a friend or two, so we want to give credit where credit is due.

Here are five reasons we think you should give earwax a second chance.

    1. Earwax Protects Your Ear Canal and Eardrum

Like many things that seem pointless (eyelashes and nose hair, for example), earwax is actually important. It keeps dust, bacteria, and other microorganisms out of your body. A natural antimicrobial, earwax also keeps infection at bay should your ear canal sustain a scrape. Finally, it keeps your ear canal lubricated so it doesn’t become dry and itchy.

    1. Earwax Is Self-Cleaning

Your ear canal has a slight incline. Your jaw’s motion during chewing and talking keeps your earwax from settling into your skin. Put the two together, and you have the perfect self-cleaning system: Your earwax slowly travels down your ear canal, where you can gently wipe it from your outer ear if necessary.

    1. Earwax Isn’t Even Wax

The technical term for earwax is cerumen. It comprises a few different things: Secretions from two glands combine to line the inside of your ear canal; then dead hair, skin cells, dust, and the already mentioned microorganisms become trapped in this mixture. All of it together is cerumen.

    1. Earwax Is a Good Sign

In general, having earwax is not the sign of poor hygiene some people think it is. Everyone produces earwax, and it serves several important purposes. You will know if your earwax becomes a problem, because you’ll experience hearing loss or develop discomfort in your ear canal.

    1. Cotton Swabs Are Not the Answer

You can revel in crossing one more thing off your daily hygiene list: cotton swabs. Again, the ears are self-cleaning. On the rare occasion you suspect you have too much earwax, don’t stick anything hard in your ear, and don’t use ear candles. There are plenty of over-the-counter remedies that are as simple as a drop or two of a solution to break up the earwax, followed by flushing your ear canal gently with water. Regular use of cotton swabs strips your ear canal of important protection and can lead to impacted earwax.